28 research outputs found

    A study on evaluating financial performance: a case of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad / Siti Salwa Mohd Isa

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    Establish on 11 August 1975, Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad was listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad on 22 July 2003. Perangsang Selangor is the leading integrated provider of Infrastructure and Utility services in the State. The researcher carried out the study with the objective of finding out the financial performance of KPS for the financial year 2005-2010. The researcher carried out the study with analytical type of research design with the help of secondary data collection method. For this purpose the researcher took past six years financial statements into consideration. The data is checked out for the validity and reliability before conducting the study. The researcher used ratio analysis as a financial tool to reveal the firm’s financial performance. Ratios involved are profitability, capital structure, liquidity and activity ratio. Ratios help to summarize large quantities of financial data to make quantitative judgment about the financial performance of the firms. Those areas are looking forward to measure the firm management efficiency and insolvency, thus reveal the management strengths and weaknesses. This project studies would be useful to the company and also to the researches as reference to the management to improve their performance and also as a guide to the researcher to improve research skills and doing research into other major area in near future

    Development of creative industries in Malaysia as experienced by Les'Copaque Production. The case study

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    The creative industries (CI) have become a global idea in the past few years. However, compared to developed countries such as Germany, the US, and the UK developing countries are far behind. Many developing countries in Asia region such as China, Indonesia, and Malaysia followed the CI model from the developed countries with some local contents added to it. Due to the novelty of this topic in most developing countries, data is not readily available in the literature. Thus, this study decided to close the significant gap in the literature by doing a research on the development of CI in Malaysia. At the end of the 20th century the Malaysian government initiated a large scale project to develop the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC). This MSC project is part of Malaysia’s preparation to become a developed country by the year 2020. With the global phenomenon on technology and multimedia for the last decade, Malaysia does not want to be left behind in this transformation. Hence, the government and the private sector have been working closely to develop the creative content industries, and to make the public aware of the importance of this ‘creative’ economy. Since, the concept of CI in Malaysia is still not clear, a case study method is identified as the best method to understand this sector in the country. This study approached Les’Copaque Production (LCP) an animated and 3D movie private company, to examine their experience in developing their CI products and services in Malaysia. Using a case study approach, a better knowledge and comprehension about the development of CI from Malaysia context would be gathered. This paper discusses the findings as well as some of the limitations of the methodology

    The development of the creative economy in Malaysia as experienced in two different case studies

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    Cultural, tourism, and creative industries sectors can be understood as having intersecting policy agendas and economic interdependencies. In the developing context the first two have a somewhat longer history of analysis than the last one. However, emerging studies are beginning to emphasise all three domains are interconnected to each other, and need each other to sustain their products in the market. However, the studies are mainly concentrated on Western countries and there are still many aspects of this concept remain unanswered particularly in developing nations for example Malaysia. Data on developing nations is still problematic and considerably limited, or only concentrated in countries such as China and India. To have a better grasp about the underlying key concepts of the development issues on creativity, technology and innovation applied in cultural products in developing nations this study proposed case studies approach to be applied in Malaysia. The creative economy development issues in Malaysia will be the primary focus to be investigated by this research. An electronic research through the Internet on two different case studies in Malaysia had been looked at on their experience in developing their creative economy through a combination between culture, tourism and creativity

    The Utilisation of LEGO and Other Materials as Prototyping Tools in the Co-Creation Process

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    This paper aims to investigate the usefulness of LEGO and other materials as prototyping tools in the co-creation process involving multiple stakeholders. The results demonstrate that using LEGO and other materials as prototypes in the co-creation process helps designers and stakeholders to explore, evaluate and modify ideas three-dimensionally to validate design solutions, idea generation and evaluation.  This study believes that  LEGO and other materials are efficient co-design prototyping tools to ensure its main purpose for team and strategy building in enhancing participant's ability to deliver more contribution during group discussions. Keywords: Co-creation; prototyping tools; prototypes; LEGO eISSN: 2398-4287© 2020. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bsby e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v5iSI3.254

    The adaptation of creativity in museum sector: a case study of Malacca Maritime Museum, Malaysia

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    Museum is a cultural institution which plays an important role in cultural tourism activities. Today, the role of traditional museums has shifted to become multipurpose in order to offer tangible and intangible products and services to their visitors. The tourism industry in Malaysia is heavily depending on their rich multiethnic and religion culture since the 50's. However, the progress of the museums in Malaysia is going at a slow phase although cultural tourism growth in the country is soaring. Any changes involving the museum sector in Malaysia went through a complicated process because it had to go through several stages and time consuming. The museum sector in Malaysia is lacking of creative management and administration style. Malaysia museum sector is left far behind almost 30 years compared to other developed countries. Notwithstanding, for the past ten years more Malaysian museums are shifting their roles to become modern museums by adapting creative ideas and technology. This study applied case study method on Malacca Maritime Museum. This is a traditional museum which comes up with new and fresh ideas by combining traditional, creativity and ICT elements to become modern museum. Hence, this museum remains competitive with other tourism attractions in Malaysia and the region

    Revisited Leonardo Fibonacci law of golden mean as surface-centric approach for form sustainable in design

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    The Golden Proportion is also known as the Golden Mean, Phi, or Divine Proportion, this law was made famous by Leonardo Fibonacci around 1200 A.D. He noticed that there was an absolute ratio that appears often throughout nature, a sort of design that is universally efficient in living things and pleasing to the human eye. The most renowned and influential product designer to work with such grid systems is Dieter Rams. Rams established a philosophy that was applied by Braun products that focused on providing clarity of function by avoiding superfluous. The divine proportion also has been used by companies like Apple to design products by Jonathan Ive, it is said to have been used by Twitter to create their new profile page, and has been used by major companies all over the world to design logos. The aim of this study is to assess whether the surface-centric approach has emotional effect to users and the objectives are to examine the relationship between the surface-centric approach and good design in the relationship between the surface-centric approach and consumer behaviour. This study is important as the framework will contribute to the body of knowledge in design methodology in search for ideas in form giving during designing process. It will also revive the approach of golden section in product design area

    Multidisciplinary Approaches for Conservation and Awareness Programme at Langkawi Island

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    The main objective of this study is to foster awareness among the university students from multiple backgrounds about the importance of preserving ecotourism area for the environment at an ecotourism sites in Langkawi Island. Multidisciplinary approaches were conducted to get rich data set of this study since no proper research had been done at the site before. The result gained, showed that students would be more aware and careful with their behavior once they joined the river awareness and conservation program hence the program will educate and raise more understanding about our environment for visitors and ecotourism stakeholders. Keywords: awareness; ecotourism; forest conservation; multidisciplinary study. eISSN: 2398-4287© 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DO

    Rekabentuk Dan Perlaksanaan Alatan Maya Berasaskan Labview Dalam Mengukur Ciri-Ciri Bahan Magnet Lembut

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    Penyelidikan ini berkaitan dengan rekaan dan pembuatan litar analog kos rendah untuk memperoleh ciri-ciri pemagnetan arus ulang alik (a.u) bahan magnet lembut. Penggunaan perisian LabView dalam pengukuran ciri bahan magnet merupakan kaedah yang lebih cepat, mudah dan berkos rendah berbanding dengan kaedah konvensional. Kajian ini juga membincangkan kaedah pengukuran ketumpatan fluks, keamatan medan magnet, kebolehtelapan teras dan kehilangan histeresis. Lilitan pada bahagian utama diujakan dengan voltan sinus yang berbeza amplitud dan gegelung sekunder disambung ke LabView

    From cultural activity to cultural tourism: a case of indigenous community in Malaysia

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    Indigenous communities in Malaysia comprise of many tribes which practices different believes and culture. Although they are minorities which represent approximately 12 % or the country population, their culture managed to attract attention from domestic and international tourists due to its uniqueness of it. Majority of Malaysia’s indigenous communities live in East Malaysia. They are called Orang Ulu or Dayak in Sarawak, and in Sabah, they are called Anak Negeri, while in West Malaysia, there are three major indigenous communities identified or better known as Orang Asli. These three groups are as follows: Semang, Senoi, and Proto-Malay. The general objective of this study was to look at the traditional culture of Malaysia’s indigenous communities in West Malaysia that have significant potential in attracting tourists. Three tribes have been identified by this study, which are Che Wong, Mah Meri, and Temuan. The usage of their traditional culture for tourism activities has been investigated. For the first initial stage, personal face-to-face interview with the stakeholders and Orang Asli community have taken place at their villagers. This will assist this study in designing questionnaire in the next stage. The result shows that all three tribes have been engaged actively in tourism activities

    Investigating meaning-making process in design collaboration activities: designers interaction with objects

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    Various ways of accessing the meaning-making process in design activity have been explored in many fields of user-centred design, participatory design and human product experienced. However, designer collaboration activities in meaning findings have rarely been studied or reported. Therefore, this research investigates the influence of designers’ collaboration on designers’ thinking in creating meaning in the design process and the design elements that influence their making. It can be concluded that experience and a more active observation with an object in design practice contribute to the better idea in the meaning-making process